For Pull Request / Code Submission

Meditations for when submitting code for review.

God, as I prepare this submission of code,
I thank you for the skills and knowledge and opportunity to do this work.

As I might foolishly wish to rush through this process, may I be reminded of your order of creation. That you had a process to it all. That in your process of redemption, you are patient with us.

And as you saw fit to lay your creations into the hands of others, may I be so humble.

Let my heart be prepared for revision and change. If changes are required, grant that I might not see it as a failure or hindrance, but a chance to better serve, grow, and bring about excellence in this work.

If this work is acceptable, may I trace this joy back to you, the giver of all good things.

I ask for grace;
To celebrate rightly, this moment and its accomplishment.

I ask for peace;
To overcome any anxiety as I proceed.

I ask for a blessing on those who give careful attention and effort to reviewing this code.

Remind me, Gracious and Merciful God, that my identity and righteousness is in Jesus Christ—Not in what I do or how well I do it.

I am not the things I make.
I am not code I write.
I am yours.
I am loved.

May I lay down my pride and insecurity as I press this submit button and trust that you have my future in your hands.


Published on: 4/13/2022